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Frequently asked questions
What if the address is incorrect or incomplete?If we ship a gift basket to an incorrect address, it will be returned to us. Unfortunately, FedEx charges us a fee to return the package, which we must pass on to you. Once a package with an incorrect or incomplete address has left our facility, there is limited action we can take. On occasion, we may attempt to reroute a package to the correct address for a fee, but this is not always successful. Regardless, the package will be returned to us and will need to be resent for delivery. FedEx may not always notify us of delivery issues, and we may only find out once the package is returned. In these rare instances, we ask for your patience and assure you that we will do everything in our power to ensure your gift basket arrives in perfect condition as soon as possible.
What if the gift is going to a business?If a gift is being shipped to a business, FedEx and UPS will deliver the package to the designated area where they deliver all other packages to the company. This could be a receiving area, a welcome desk, or an administrative desk. Many companies do not permit delivery drivers to enter an office to find a recipient, so once the package has been signed for, it is the company's responsibility to ensure the gift reaches the correct person.
How are gifts shipped or delivered to a hospital?If a gift is being shipped to a hospital for a patient, it is delivered to a receiving area. From there, the hospital staff will bring the package to the patient's room. This process may lead to a delay in the package being delivered to the recipient for several hours, and depending on the time of day of the initial delivery, the package might not reach the recipient until the following day. This process is in place to prioritize the safety and privacy of the patients in the hospital. Please note: If you choose to have your gift delivered on the weekend, this process may cause a delay in its delivery.
What if the gift is going to a college?If a gift is being shipped to a college, the package is most often delivered to the Campus Mail Room. This is the case even when the student's name, along with an exact address and dorm/residence hall number, is provided on the package. This is a security measure that most colleges have in place to safeguard their students. Please note: If you choose to have your gift delivered on the weekend, this process may cause a delay in its delivery.
Does the recipient have to be present to receive their packages?In most cases, it is advisable for the recipient to be present to receive the package. However, if the recipient is unavailable, our delivery partners will follow standard procedures, which may include leaving the package in a secure location or with a neighbor. Keep in mind that specific delivery practices may vary depending on the courier service used.
What if a gift is damaged when delivered?If your gift arrives damaged, please contact us as soon as possible with details and, if possible, photographs of the damage. We will work swiftly to address the issue and ensure a replacement or refund is provided, as appropriate. Please see our return policy for more details.
Does the recipient have to be a certain age to accept the gift?Certain gifts may have age restrictions in accordance with local laws and regulations. If your gift falls under such restrictions, our delivery partners will require verification of the recipient's age upon delivery. It is the responsibility of the recipient to comply with these regulations. Please ensure that the recipient meets any applicable age requirements for the specific gift you are sending.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
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